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CS 150 - Homework
Homework 7: Around the World
- Due: 04/28 at 5:00 PM
- Partner assignments for HW6 and HW7
- HW Available in Collab
Homework 6: Around C'ville!
- Due: 04/14 at 5:00 PM
- Partner assignments for HW6
- HW Available in Collab
Reading 5: GEB
Read GEB Chapters 14-15
- Due: Monday, April 7
Reading 4: GEB - Theory
Read GEB Chapters 6-9
- Due: Monday after Spring Break
Homework 3: It's Art Time!
In this Homework, you and your partner will draw fractals with Haskell
- Due: 02/22 at 5:00 PM
- Partner assignments for HW3 (same as HW2)
- HW Available in Collab
Reading 3: GEB - Programming
Read GEB Chapter 10
- Due: 02/15 in class
Homework 2: The Programming Begins...
In this Homework, you and your partner will write your first eight Haskell functions on your own.
- Due: 02/13 at 5:00 PM
- Partner assignments for HW2
- HW Available in Collab
Homework 1: Computers can write poetry too!
In this Homework, you and your partner will write three BNF grammars to teach your computer to generate sentences from your languages.
- Due: 02/06 at 5:00 PM
- Partner assignments for HW1
- HW Available in Collab
Reading 2: GEB - Recursion
Read GEB, Little Harmonic Labyrinth and GEB, Chapter 5
- Due: 01/30 in class
Reading 1: GEB - Parts 1 and 2
Read pages 1-41.
- Due: 01/23 in class
Homework 0: From Whence You Came...
In this Homework, you take a survey. That's it. Nothing scary here.
- Results from the "Questions about Mark Sherriff" Survey
- Results from the "Questions about the Course" Survey
- Available: 01/16
- Due: 01/17 at 5:00 PM
- Go to Collab, click "Tests & Quizzes" on the left, and answer the questions
- PairEval This semester you're going to be assigned partners for each Homework (other than the 0 assignments). Before you start groaning about being forced to work with another person, here are some things to consider:
- Lab partners are used in nearly every other "lab course" - chemestry, biology, physics, etc. - so why not computer science?
- Studies have shown that having lab partners cuts down on the need to rely on the TA and improves the learning experience.
- But what if there's someone I absolutely hate? No problem - our pairing system allows you to specify your mortal enemies so you never partner with them again.
- But what if I get a complete loser or my partner drops? No problem - at the end of each assignment, you'll rate your partner on their contribution. We'll then multiply the grades by the contribution of each partner. If there is a more significant issue, the TAs and I will handle it. And you'll change partners every assignment, so you won't see them again anyway.
- But my grade is tied to another person! I hate to break it to you, but "in the real world," you have to work with others that you often don't get to choose. Working in industry is almost more about learning to work with others in a problem solving environment as it is learning the techniques. (And, as stated above, your grade is still protected - a safety net you won't have in industry.)
- Go to http://krondor.cs.virginia.edu:8080/paireval/main
- Click "register."
- Fill in the blanks appropriately and click Submit.
- On the left hand side, first choose "Register Course." Select CS150 and choose the "Main Section" lab. You will only be allowed to pair with people in your own lab for Labs (somewhat obvious) and for Homeworks.
- Take the four surveys on the left hand side - Myers-Briggs, Learning Styles, Self Evaluation, and Collaboration Experience. It should take all of 15 min to do them all.