CS 462 - Server Environment Information
MySQL Server Information:MySQL 5.0.18 - MySQL Reference Manual
Using your PHP webspace:
1. SSH into one of the lava machines or cs-tl1 using the unix account provided to you by the department.
2. Create a directory called public_html in your home directory: mkdir public_html
3. Make it readable: chmod 755 public_html
4. Make your directory readable: cd .. and then chmod 755 |your computing id|
5. Put your files into the public_html directory. Your webspace is at http://cs-tl5.cs.virginia.edu/~|your id|
Class Examples:
Also check under Resources in Collab!!!
Download JSP Examples - JSP Example
PHP List Example - phplist.php | Code
PHP Insert Example - phpinsert.html | phpinsert.php | phpinsert.php Code | phpinsert.php Code w/ Prepared Statements
PHP Login Example - loginphp.html | login.php Code
Other Tools and Information:
Commercial Programs for ER diagrams - Mac: OmniGraffle and Windows: Visio
MySQL Workbench - MySQL's DB design tool
Dia - GTK/Linux-based drawing program that contains ER diagraming tools has been ported to Windows
- Website: http://dia-installer.sourceforge.net/
- Download: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/dia-installer/dia-0.92.2-1-setup.zip?use_mirror=umn
OpenOffice - Open source Java-based office suite, which includes a Visio-type program that you can do diagrams with.
- Website: http://www.openoffice.org/
JGraphPad - Diagramming Tool; can be used to create ER diagrams
- Website: http://www.jgraph.com/jgraphpad.html
- Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=43118
PHP - Web scripting language that can be used for your project
- PHP Manual: http://www.php.net/manual/en/index.php
- PHP Tutorial: http://www.gimpster.com/wiki/PhpTutorial
- What is PHP?: http://builder.com.com/5100-31-5074693.html (links to the rest of the info at the very bottom of the page)
- PHP3 Tutorial: http://vsbabu.org/tutorials/php/ (a bit out of date since PHP is at version 4 and 5 is in beta)
- PHP Programming: http://www.awtrey.com/support/dbeweb/php.php
- PHP 101
Part 1: http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/PHP-101-Part-1--Secret-Agent-Man/ (intro to variables and two methods)
Part 2: http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/PHP-101-Part-2--Shakespeares-Rose/ (forms)
Part 3: http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/PHP-101-part-3--Chocolate-Fudge-And-Time-Machines/ (advanced forms and loops)
Part 4: http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/PHP-101-part-4--Look-MaIts-Alive/ (databases) - PHP/MySQL Tutorial: http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/programming/php/tutorials/tutorial4.html
- Learning PHP: http://www.developer.com/lang/other/article.php/927291 (links to other articles at bottom of page)
- Using MySQL from
PHP: http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/php/2004/02/19/php_foundations.html
Part 2: http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/php/2004/03/18/php_foundations.html - PHP from the Ground Up: http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/01/48/index2a.html?tw=programming
- http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/QRC/PHP%204%20Reference%20Card.pdf
JSP - Java Server Pages web language that can be used for your project
- JSP Tutorial: http://www.jsptut.com/
- JavaServer Pages: A Developer's Perspecitive: http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Programming/jsp/
- Intro to JSP Technology: http://java.sun.com/developer/onlineTraining/JSPIntro/
- JSP by Example: http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/html/jspbasics.fm.html
- VisualBuilder.com's JSP Tutorial: http://www.visualbuilder.com/jsp/tutorial/default.asp
- Introduction to JSP: http://developer.netscape.com/viewsource/kuslich_jsp/kuslich_jsp.html
- Developing Dynamic Webpages: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/doc/guide/asgdwp.html
- http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/QRC/JSP%20Syntax.pdf
- http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/QRC/JSP%20Quick%20Reference%20Card.pdf
MySQL - the open-source database management system that will be available for your project
- MySQL Manual: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/index.html
- MySQL SQL Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/SQL_Syntax.html
- http://www.mysqlfreaks.com/mysql/manual_Reference.html
- http://www.mysqlfreaks.com/mysql_errors.php
- http://www.mysqlfreaks.com/mysql_statements.php
- http://miketeo.net/ref/mysql/syntax.html
- http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/QRC/MySQL-4.02a.pdf
phpMyAdmin - the open-source online database tool that keeps you from having to use the command line tool
General Programming Resources
- Free Programming Resources: http://www.freeprogrammingresources.com/
- http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/quickrefs.htm