Summer 2022 — Schedule

Tentative class schedule (may be updated without prior notice) How are you feeling?   
Date Meet Topics and Handouts Content / Web Resources Assignments In-Class Exercises
 1 Get familiar with our course
Let's set expectations
Wikipedia: Programming languages used in most popular websites

IEEE Spectrum: The 2021 Top Programming Languages
  Activity: The purposes of website

(no submission)

Activity: Check-in

(no submission)

Complete the get to know you form by 24-May-2022, 11:59pm EST
2 Intro to web app development     To do:
  • Form a team of 2 (max size = 3 members) [updated 23-May]

    (you may talk to your peers in class, during group activities, outside of class, via discussion board, or through Search for Teammates)

  • Decide on a project concept
 3 Web software model MVC Overview   Activity: "Thing" in the world and "Object" in web app

(no submission)

4 (Read on your own; we'll discuss through activity)
Web app and usability
  • Principles
  • Mental models
  • Revenue and excise tasks
  • Usability evaluation criteria


(Read on your own; we'll discuss through activity)
Web design
Top 10 web design mistakes
GSA Section 508
CSIAC 508 Compliance and Accessibility Information
Tips for taglines
Example taglines

Wireframes: balsamiq
  URLs for usability discussion
Usability evaluation checklist

Activity: Planning website, design web page

(no submission)

To do: For Summer 2022, there are three web server options. You may choose to host your app
  • Locally using XAMPP

    (simple but may limit your skill and experience)

  • Publicly on GCP

    (highly encouraged - this can help expand your skill and experience; please expect troubleshooting as it requires (a lot of) setting and configuration, support PHP and Angular)

  • Publicly on

    Refer to for connection information

    Thanks to Prof. Hott for giving us access to server.

Client-side software
(require: your laptop with code editor and a web server, every class meeting)
 5 Intro to HTML and CSS

Additional resources:
W3 Web Schools
HTML Validator

Color names
CSS Validator
CSS Properties

IDE: Eclipse WTP, Aptana IDE, NetBeans, IntelliJ, Sublime
FTP: Firezilla , Cyberduck
Assignment 1: Project proposal and UI design due 05/25, 1pm EST (no extension) XAMPP setup
Basic web deployment (local and public)

(Please try to set up development and deployment environment before class. The class discussion will be more effective and enjoyable if your environment is readily available.)

6 More CSS
Responsive design
  POTD 1: Static web page (HTML and CSS)
(due 05/26, 1pm EST, no late submission, no extension)

Example: Static page (B)
[sample solution]
 7 More responsive design,
CSS and Bootstrap
Get bootstrap   Activity: Style a page with CSS and bootstrap

(no submission)

[sample solution]
8 JavaScript: W3 JS Reference
MDN JS Reference
JS Visualizer (useful for tracing)
JS cheat sheet (by Nick Schäferhoff)
  Examples (please view page source):
POTD 2:Get started with JS
(due 05/27, 1pm EST, no late submission, no extension)
 9 JavaScript:     Examples:
Object: BOM and DOM: Events: Activity: DOM manipulation

(no submission)

[sample solution 1, sample solution 2]
10  JavaScript:     Examples:
  Memorial Day Holiday, no class
Server-side software
(require: your laptop with code editor and a web server, every class meeting)
 11 JavaScript:     Activity: Form handling

(no submission)

[sample solution]
12  Back end development and HTTP request handling

PHP: Overview, basic instructions, arrays, control structures, functions
PHP Editors
Debugging PHP
W3 PHP exercises
  Activity: Get started with PHP

(no submission)
(require: PHP-enabled web server)

XAMPP setup
PHP deployment (XAMPP)
PHP deployment (GCP)
 13 PHP: File processing (CSV, JSON, XML) W3C XML
XML Validator
Google XML API
JSON reference
Assignment 2: Client-side components due 06/01, 1pm EST (no extension) Activity: Get started with PHP

(no submission, wrap up)

[sample solution]

14  PHP: Form handling,
server-side input validation
    POTD 3:Form handling
(due 06/02, 1pm, no late submission, no extension)
[sample solution]
(Class meets virtually; Zoom link in Collab/Online meetings)
 15 PHP: State handling with form hidden inputs, URL rewriting     Activity: State maintenance (hidden input and URL rewriting) (sample run)

(no submission)

[sample solution]
16  PHP: State handling with cookies     POTD 4: State maintenance (cookies) (sample run)
(due 06/03, 1pm EST, no late submission, no extension)
[sample solution]
Drop deadline 06/03
(Class meets virtually; Zoom link in Collab/Online meetings)
 17 PHP: State handling with Sessions     Activity: State maintenance (session) (sample run)

(no submission)

[sample solution]
18  PHP: State handling with Sessions

Get started with database (if time allows)
    To do:
(Class meets virtually; Zoom link in Collab/Online meetings)
 19 PHP and database
additional note
Getting started with MySQL

Intro to SQL commands (Thanks to Professor Nada Basit)

Additional resources (borrowed from Spring 2022, CS 4750): Basic SQL, aggregates, joins, subqueries, quantifiers

Note: You are not required to use PDO. You may use PDO, MySQLi, or MySQL (of course, the syntax and implementation will be slightly different). MySQLi is a replacement for the MySQL functions, with object-oriented and procedural versions. PDO (PHP Data Objects) is a database abstraction layer providing flexibility for many database engines (and thus is recommended over MySQLi).

DB setup (XAMPP)
DB setup (GCP)
Connecting PHP and DB

Prevent SQL injection: template [sample run: bad, good]

Activity: Get started with DB programming

(no submission)

Activity: Database programming

(no submission) — [our work in progress]

[sample solution]

To do:
20  PHP and database    
Asynchronous programming and Front-end framework
(require: your laptop with code editor and a web server, every class meeting)
(Class meets virtually; Zoom link in Collab/Online meetings)
 21 Asynchronous programming

Angular: Overview, component, template
Angular documentation

(we will use Angular 13; if you choose to use Angular 14 which was released 2-June-2022, please remember to check the update)

  Angular setup

(Please try to setup environment for Angular and deploy an Angular default example before class. The class discussion will be more effective and enjoyable if your environment is readily available.) We will also discuss issues/concerns and potential solutions in class.

Angular app deployment
22  Angular: Data binding, directive     Activity: Module and component

(no submission)

Activity: Data model, data binding, and directive

(no submission)

[work in progress]
[Combined activities: sample solution]
(Class meets in-person & virtually; Zoom link in Collab/Online meetings)
 23 Angular: Data binding, directive (continue), Form and input validation     Activity: Angular form and input validation
(no submission)
[sample solution]
24  Angular: Form and input validation    
(Class meets in-person & virtually; Zoom link in Collab/Online meetings)
 25 Angular: HTTP and backend Dealing with CORS issue Assignment 3: Server-side components due 06/09 06/11 1pm EST (no extension) POTD 5: Angular and backend component

Please complete and submit at least one of the following options:

(due 06/10, 1pm EST, no late submission, no extension)
[sample solution]
26  Angular: HTTP, service, and backend    
06/10 Withdrawal deadline 06/10
(Class meets in-person & virtually; Zoom link in Collab/Online meetings)
 27 Ajax: Overview,
Loading data from HTML, XML, JSON
XML Validator
Google XML API
JSON reference
  Example: Load static data
28  Ajax: Interacting with backend components Dealing with CORS issue   Activity: Ajax and backend component

(no submission)

[sample solution]
 29 Course wrap-up and final exam guide
Course wrap-up, no new content — class meets virtually; Zoom link in Collab/Online meetings
30  Work on project
No class meeting, Q&A, Office hours on demand — drop by to discuss, use Zoom link in Collab
 31 Work on project
No class meeting, Q&A, Office hours on demand — drop by to discuss, use Zoom link in Collab
 33 Work on project
No class meeting, Q&A, Office hours on demand — drop by to discuss, use Zoom link in Collab
 35 Work on project
No class meeting, Q&A, Office hours on demand — drop by to discuss, use Zoom link in Collab
 37 Showtime!!
No class meeting, Q&A, Office hours on demand — drop by to discuss, use Zoom link in Collab

Best usable project: Coolest project:
Assignment 4: Final deliverable (frontend and backend) due 06/17 by 1pm EST (no late submission, no extension) — remember to submit the reflection and peer evaluation
FE Final Exam (please refer to Course wrap-up and final exam guide for time and detail)
(please refer to the Summer Session for final exam schedule)

Copyright © 2022 Upsorn Praphamontripong

Released under the Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Last updated 2022-06-20 12:32