Assignments and Assessment
The course will contain of several programming and/or written homeworks, assigned approximately every one to two weeks. In addition, course material presented in lecture and on assignments will be tested on two in-class midterm exams and a final exam.
We plan to weight final grades as follows:
- 30% midterm exams (2)
- 25% final exam
- 45% homework assignments
We do not anticipate dropping any exams or homeworks.
Attendence at lectures is not required, but strongly recommended. Attendence at exams is required; if you cannot make an exam for some reason, contact the instructors as far in advance as reasonably practical. Exam dates will always be announced at least 2 weeks in advance.
Late Policies
We will accept late homework assignments as follows:
- up to 48 hours late: 10% deduction
- up to one week late: 20% deduction
- more than one week late: 100% deduction
We may waive or reduce these late penalties on a case-by-case basis; please contact the course staff if something that might warrant this comes up.
Students are encouraged to discuss the assignments in general and to help other students with debugging their solutions. Students are not permitted to share code or consult solutions to assignments from prior semesters. Assignment submissions should not make extensive use of code found online. Incidental use (not central to one of the goals of the assignment) is okay, but must be clearly cited.
We reserve the right to assign an arbitrarily large grade penalty for cheating, up to and including an âFâ in the class. This penalty is independent of (and potentially in addition to) the University Honor System.
If you are unsure about whether something would be considered academic dishonesty, please ask the course staff.
If you need any kind of special accommodations, including but not limited to disability, learning needs, or personal circumstances, please contact us as soon as you are aware of these needs. We aim to be as accommodating and fair as possible.
If you are not sure if your situation warrants special attention, ask us.