Course Staff
Head TAs
August Bresnaider (he/him)
Head TA for Lab
Some people learn by reading. Others learn by observation. The rest have to pee on the electric fence.
Ask me about: Labs and more.
Tips for cso1: Take your time! Be patient with yourself! CSO1 is difficult, but we're here to help you along your way this semester.
Aaryan Dhore (he/him)
Head TA for Grading
Ask me about: x86 assembly, memory allocation, and C.
Tips for cso1: Everything builds; don't move forward until you understand the basics.
Paul Karhnak (he/him)
Head TA for Piazza and Discord
Better Call Paul!
Ask me about: C (including pointers, structs, and memory errors), logic gates, and hardware.
Tips for cso1: I cannot recommend office hours enough. Talking through your questions with the professor or TAs really helps you get a solid grasp on the material.
Lab Leads
Saarthak Gupta (he/him)
I wish everyone a segfault-free semester.
Ask me about: x86-64, machine code, and C.
Tips for cso1: Consistently engage with the material and you'll be fine.
Dhriti Gampa (she/her)
I'm here to help so just be a little patient with me and tell me if what I'm saying makes no sense.
Ask me about: Toy ISA because I fully ended up memorizing the chart last year.
Tips for cso1: The best way to debug homework is by plugging in real values and going line by line and ask questions!
Shengming "Happy" Gao (he/him)
My sister is way taller than me.
Ask me about: x86-64 assembly, memory allocation, and C/C++.
Tips for cso1: Start homeworks early, early, early.
Srikar Gouru (he/him)
Pressure makes diamonds, but bread dough rises when you let it rest. So yeah, just sleep.
Ask me about: Toy ISA, x86-64 assembly, and C.
Tips for cso1: Make sure you understand the beginning material early, or everything will just get harder as you go on!
Allie Kim (she/her)
Practice makes permanent.
Ask me about: ISA, assembly, and C.
Tips for cso1: Don't procrastinate on assignments, start early.
Liran "Stephen" Li (he/him)
1% de chance, 99% de fe.
Ask me about: Toy ISA and assembly.
Tips for cso1: Practice your C code on your computer as much as possible, although there is a good chance you will see "Segmentation fault".
Jenny Schilling (she/her)
Just because I'm a computer programmer does not mean I can fix your TV. I mean, I can, but not because I'm a programmer!
Ask me about: Binary arithmetic, bitwise, hex, machine code/assembly.
Tips for cso1: Do the readings! They contain so many more helpful hints and answers than you'd expect.
Eddie Wei (he/him)
Ask me about: Bitwise operations, pointers, and C.
Tips for cso1: I highly recommend writing down frequently used information somewhere accessible like a notebook. This information could include a hex to binary conversion table, a two's complement/biassed/unsigned binary integer table, a units table, and a common x86 registers and instructions table.