Computer Game Design


Course Description: This course will introduce students to the concepts and tools used in the development of modern 2-D and 3-D real-time interactive computer video games. Topics covered in this include graphics, parallel processing, human-computer interaction, networking, artificial intelligence, and software engineering.

Our course is an introductory course in video game design and production. We will focus on both the design and technical aspects of creating a game, from concept inception and prototyping through coding and playtesting.

Prerequisites: CS 2150 or CS 3140 with a grade of C- or higher. A willingness to learn and have fun.

Course Meetings

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • 12:00-1:00pm
  • Thornton Hall A120

Getting Connected

Instructor: Robbie Hott

  • Email:
  • Office: Rice 210
  • Office Hours:
    • tbd

Copyright © 2024 John Hott. Based on material by Mark Sherriff.
Released under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
Creative Commons License