Spring 2024 — Final exam guide

Tentative plan as of 15-Jan-2024

Where and When

Please refer to the University Registrar Exam Schedule — Spring 2024 for additional information.


Make-up final exam

Per the University's policy, faculty members are not authorized to change the scheduled final exam date. Permission must be made by the Dean's Office. For more information, please refer to the course's make-up exam policy.

Note on traveling

"The final exam schedule is assigned by the University Registrar and is linked from the official academic calendar. This exam schedule is published at the beginning of the semester, so your complete final exam schedule is known to you very early on, and you can plan (travel) accordingly. Final examinations must be taken at the officially scheduled time. Exceptions will be made only in the case of extenuating circumstances and require prior approval of the instructor. Conflict with travel plans is NOT an acceptable reason to reschedule an exam."

Refer to  https://registrar.virginia.edu/exam-schedule-spring-2024  for information on the final exam date/time.

SDAC accommodation

If you need accommodation, please submit proper documents to SDAC. We unfortunately cannot provide accommodation in class or during office hours. Please schedule to take the exam at SDAC.

Please visit https://studenthealth.virginia.edu/sdac or use the direct link https://yukon.accessiblelearning.com/virginia/Default.aspx to schedule your exam.

What to bring

Test specific

Things you can expect


Study guide

A sample/past final exam will be made available in Canvas/Files (tentatively, one week before the scheduled final exam date). Note: the emphasis of some content/materials may be different between semesters. The sample final exam is provided for additional practice only. Our final exam will be based on what is introduced / discussed / emphasized in Spring 2024.


Final grades

Please refer to the Assessment section of the course syllabus.

By default, grades will not be rounded or curved in this course, and there is no grade bump.

A final note

Here is A Time-effective Strategy for Taking Exams   by Professor Jeff Offutt.

"The true subject matter of the tester is not testing, but the design of test cases" —Jeff Offutt

Good luck !

Copyright © 2024 Upsorn Praphamontripong

Released under the Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Last updated 2024-01-15 19:54