Team Game: Physical Prototype
Using the materials provided, create a physical prototype of some aspect of your game. This could be a level or a mechanic, but it should be something that is:
- Representative of your game
- Shows part of your design process for your game
- Is “playable” in some fashion
- Shows some thought was put into the design
Basically, the goal is to do a “rough draft” of some aspect of your game to help you think about how you will translate your design into code. Consult the prototyping chapters of Fullerton for more information.
Quest Submission
One member of your team should fill out the following document: Physical Prototype
As a part of this document, you MUST have pictures of your prototype!
We will also be demoing these in class. Make sure yours is ready by then! (The final version of the document is not due until 11:59 that night.)
Submit the document into Gradescope, making sure to add all team members when submitting.