Unity Game Quest

Unity Version Information

We will be using a specific version of Unity for this class (version 2022.3.56) to ensure that tutorials and information are available when building your game, help with organizing the submissions, and grading.


  • Build a game in Unity version 2022.3.56 following the theme provided.
    We are not using Unity 6 mainly because the resources available on the Internet are primarily made/targeted at 2022.3 LTS.
  • The game must be playable on a Windows or MacOS machine.


“April Fools!”


  • You can use any freely available assets or assets that you purchase from sites like itch.io. This includes sprite graphics, sound effects, music, etc.
  • You can use any code (small snippets) freely available through tutorials or example websites. ALL CODE that is used from other sources MUST be cited in your documentation. (So make sure to save the links if you use something!)
  • Games that are obviously/glaringly too close to an example will not receive full credit. Example: Using code from an example to handle physics is okay. Using an example’s code base and changing just the level design to meet the theme is very bad.

Earning XP

XP will be awarded based on the criteria below.

100 XP total

  • 90 XP: Game
  • 10 XP: Gradescope/Documentation questions

Game XP Requirements

  • 10 XP: Follows the theme
  • 10 XP: Animated PC sprite
  • 10 XP: Map collision detection
  • 10 XP: Item/Enemy/NPC collision detection
    • You don’t have to have all of these - just something other than the map based on the design of your game
  • 10 XP: Physics OR some form of game loop managed movement if not a platformer-type game
    • Ask for clarification if needed based on the game
  • 10 XP: Sound effects / music (as appropriate)
  • 10 XP: PC action/procedure beyond just movement (e.g., jumping, punching, shooting, etc.)
  • 10 XP: “Good” map/level design
  • 10 XP: Designed for an aesthetic


  • Accept the invite to the GitHub Classroom to create your repo in the class org.
  • Commit and push your Unity project to this remote.
  • Answer the questions in Gradescope for the submission.

Extension Request Form

Copyright © 2024 John Hott. Based on material by Mark Sherriff.
Released under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
Creative Commons License